by Jenny Schwartz
Directed by Krissy Vanderwarker
for Dog & Pony
IGod's Ear is a heartbreaking work that uses unconventional structure and language to explore a couple's relationship as they mourn the death of their son. The New York Times described the story as "… separate odysseys of suffering that intersect on some sort of psychic plain, Mel and Ted slide down a rabbit hole into an alternate reality, where a toddler cracks wise, the Tooth Fairy sings grimly comic little ditties and G.I. Joe offers family counseling.
Pictured: Faith Hurley, Luke Hatton
Pictured: Gina d'Ercoli, Luke Hatton, Faith Hurley
Set design by Grant Sabin, Light design by Aaron Weissman, Sound design by Stephen Ptacek, Composition by Abraham Levitan, Costumes by Cathy Tantillo
Pictured: Elizabeth Levy, Teeny Lamothe
Graphic design by Rod Hunting
This is an intensely moving and haunting production.