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by Jordan Harrison
Directed by Krissy Vanderwarker
for Shattered Globe Theatre Company
The Grown-Up
by Jordan Harrison
Kai is a ten-year-old boy at his grandfather’s knee listening to a story of a magic doorknob. Jump 15 years into the future to his doomed television “pitch” in LA. Jump in time again to a wedding reception. Is it his? Has Kai run into powerful magic or has he just realized the breakneck speed of an ordinary life and what he might have missed? The Grown-Up is funny and honest tale about living in the moment.

The Grown-Up
Set design by Grant Sabin

The Grown-Up

The Grown-Up
Pictured: Bryan Bosque, Kevin Viol

Pictured: Bryan Bosque, Kevin Viol

Set Design by Grant Sabin.

Pictured: Bryan Bosque

Pictured: Bryan Bosque, Kevin Viol


Really what makes this Shattered Globe production worth watching are the many fine, funny performances director Krissy Vanderwarker coaxes out of her playful six-member ensemble. Watching them create one dazzling, bizarre scene after another—each of them utterly baffling to the show's hapless protagonist (played to the hilt by Kevin Viol)—is worth the price of admission.
- Jack Helbig,
Chicago Reader

The production crackles with fast-paced action and verbal pyrotechnics. While it doesn’t play out in a linear fashion, it’s very easy-to-follow and told with childlike wonder. Thanks to Krissy Vanderwarker’s inspired direction, which is always creative, daring and innovative, this show sparkles with brilliance and creativity. Kai’s unpredictable journey is played out by six talented and versatile actors, each of whom take turns as a variety of characters.
- Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review
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