by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder

by Thornton Wilder
Written by Thornton Wilder
Directed by Krissy Vanderwarker
Photos by Ian Frank
The cast featured: Charin Alvarez, Leea Ayers, Kareem Bandealy, Diego Colón, Peter A. Davis, Matt Farabee, Art Fox, Linda Gillum, Kayla Holder, Kristen Magee, Michael McKeogh, Kelly O’Sullivan, Annie Prichard, Jerome Beck and Alice Wu.
The production team included:
Scenic design by Yeaji Kim,
Costume design by Mieka Vanderploeg,
Lighting design by Chris Binder,
Sound design by Stephen Ptacek,
Puppet design by Maddy Low,
Technical direction by Joe Schermoly,
Dramaturgy & AD by John Rooney,
and stage management by Tess Golden and Jennifer Gregory.